From the Journal

Bhang in skincare: A break-up with stereotypes and embracing the skincare benefits
Understanding Bhang: A Historical Perspective In some very traditional ways, bhang is a preparation composed of the leaves and flowers of the Sativa Seed plant. It has been in use since ancient times. It's used in other religious and cultural practices....
Why Our Organic Face Wash is the Ultimate Skincare Solution
We all know how essential self-care is in today's day and age. But with so much on our plates, it can be easy to let the largest organ of our body go astray: our skin. Having healthy skin is not...
Unlocking the Power of Plants: Hemp's Potential Impact on Mental Health
Feeling overwhelmed by the stressed and sleepless routine; perhaps confounded by chronic pain? Good mental health matters even more in today's fast-moving, modern environment. While conventional medicines are available to take care of disorders of this nature, many people look...