From the Journal

Himachal Pradesh May Allow Hemp Cultivation
With several countries like Canada, Israel and Malaysia are approaching Himachal Pradesh to provide high quality Vijaya leaf extract for use in pharma and hemp industry, the demand for allowing its controlled cultivation may gain ground.Although successive governments have chosen...
How is Hemp Good for the Planet?
How is Hemp Good for the Planet? Sometimes it feels likes we can hardly move without bumping into words like ethical, sustainable, eco-friendly and green. They’re pretty impressive words – tied up with messages about saving the world and supporting...
6 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds
• Hemp seeds are extracted from the seeds of a hemp plant, Hemp sativa.• They are from the same species but a different variety.• However, they contain only trace amounts of Tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive compound in marijuana.• Hemp seeds are exceptionally...