Ayurvedic Notion of Nutrition

Have you ever thought of how nutrition is expressed in Ayurveda? 
Or, Are there any particulars for vegetarians? 
Here is hemp to provide you with all-around nutrition!!

hemp seed oil

How can you say no to a cup of hot steaming coffee after a tiring day? Or what about that Samosa centre that offers the best snacks with spicy chutney? The mouthwatering luscious rasgullas are just out of the options. Be it sweet or savoury, food just brings everyone together. 

For some people, Food might not just be a meal but an emotion or a means to express their feelings. People come up with extraordinary combinations of foods without compromising on their taste. 

But have you thought about whether these combinations are equally rich in quality? or are these combinations really “Healthy”!!


Ayurveda, the time-tested branch of Indian science, understands food as the basic pillar that supports our well-being. Here Ahara or the right nutrition is one among the Thiupasthamba, the pillars of life. Thus the quality of food you consume in terms of quality and terms of the right combinations play a vital role in homeostasis. 

According to Ayurvedic classics, the quality and quantity of food consumed are crucial milestones that determine health. 

The nutritional richness of the Ahara consumed is assessed based on the Guna (properties), and the Virya (potency) of the food or the combination.  Those food items that are very heavy (Guru) have to be consumed in minor quantities while those which are Laghu (light), may be consumed till contentment. 

Along with these considerations, It is vital to abolish all incompatible food combinations to arrive at the best nutritional optimacy, for weird food combinations that might have opposing potencies add up to have a toxic nature.


vegan food

While many times people believe that Ayurveda promotes a vegan lifestyle, it is not always that correct. Ayurveda emphasizes the need for all nutrition and is not limited to merely plant-based. At the same time, for those who wish to follow the path of non-violence, Ayurveda also promotes such a diet as well. 

For individuals who are on the quest for ayurvedic nutrition for vegetarians, lentils especially the green gram are their king. Ayurveda adores green gram or mudra for its immense nutritional goodness among the pulse varieties. It is also recognized as a great source of nutrition for vegetarians. Mudga may be consumed in any preparation of choice, but mudga yusha or a simple soup preparation of the same is much acclaimed in Ayurvedic classics.

A purely vegan lifestyle is not promoted by ayurvedic classics for it asserts to have nutritional deprivation considering the food options available in the medieval era. 

The world has changed and so has the nutritional status of food varieties. Even vegans can get their complete pack of nutrition by adopting the right measures!


hemp leaf

Hemp seeds are nutritionally rich and versatile. It has a strong flavour and aroma, as well as a sweet metabolic result, which helps to relieve the agitated Vata entity. Its scraping action calms nerves and keeps the nervous system in check. It has been revealed that it not only balances Vata and Pitta but also optimizes Vata. On the other hand, its incredible penetrating power aids in slicing through fat layers and increasing metabolism. On the other hand, it is nearly impossible to find other equivalent herbs that manage all bodily entities with ease.

Apart from these, hemp seeds are a potent source of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fibre, and many macro and micro minerals. Hemp can be used as a wonderful substitute for meat or dairy products considering the content of essential proteins and amino acids in them. It is also rich in minerals such as Manganese, iron, Magnesium, Vitamin E, and Zinc. There is no denying the fact that hemp is an audible source of nutrition and well-equipped with all the compounds needed for our bodies. 

We at Ananta Hemp Works have come with several hemp nutritional supplements that will crown your wellness most essentially.

ananta hemp nutrition range

1.  Ananta Ayurvedic Hemp Hearts:
These nutty goodness enrich the body with the right nutrition needed for development.

    • More digestible than meat or dairy products
    • A great option for vegans and vegetarians
    • Abundant with high-quality storage proteins and amino acids
    • Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids enrich overall metabolism
    • Has added an anti-inflammatory property
    • Promotes optimal cardiac health as well

Dosage: Sprinkle, blend, or mix, it's your choice.

2. Ananta Ayurvedic Hemp Seed Powder:
Here nature's superfood is a purely natural and plant-based source of protein.

    • Contains all essential amino acids needed for metabolism
    • Helps to boost your energy and keeps you active all day
    • Helps to improve muscle strength
    • Helps to maintain the levels of bad cholesterol and improves cardiovascular health
    • Potent in dietary fibre as well

Dosage: blend a spoon with your shake, or soup. Trying hemp seed powder instead of your coffee can also make a change.

3. Ananta Hemp Sativa Oil:
Extracted by cold compression from hemp seeds, the oil is a flavour-packed nutritional supplement.

    • Has a good ratio of essential amino acids
    • Nourishes the skin and improves blood circulation
    • Helps to maintain hormonal balance
    • Great supplement for diabetic individuals
    • Gives a delicate nutty flavour to all dishes

Dosage: you can use it to drizzle your salads or even cook your main course. It is suitable for external applications as well.

It's time to stop your reckless consumption of all your favourite goodies in one go. Incorporate the goodness of Ayurveda to enrich your diet and derive the best nutrition. The right to achieve the right nutrition is your right.

Join in this quest to understand your flaws in nutrition and the right additions you need to make to embrace your well-being!

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