Dogs And The Poop

A dog owner or a caretaker, very well understands the struggle of poop when it comes to training, picking and re-training and picking and cleaning it everyday. Not one day goes by when they think what a great invention dog diapers are, only if their dog actually wore them.
How convenient it would become, to put the diaper on at night and get that extra early morning deep sleep! But, with dogs come responsibilities and alarm clocked and early morning poops! On the other side of this, we love our dogs and this only benefits us with early morning routines by taking us out of the bed, starting the day early, quick and well. A morning with good poop is a win win for everyone, i.e. us humans and of course our lovely pets.
Just as we get food poisoning, bad gut health days, gastric issues and other digestive tract infections and are bound by bad moods, restrictions and anxiousness it is the case with our dogs too! Their poop helps us determine their health and overall wellbeing. It is very important for one to understand the poop of their dog just by looking at it. As and when we decide to adopt a dog, along with their poop training, the owner's training is also streamlined simultaneously. Where the dog learns to tell about it, where to do it and where not to, etc. the owners certainly has to look at it to learn what are different types of dog poops, what they tell about the dog’s health, if something they are eating is suiting them well or not, what alterations are needed in their diet, what rather needs to be added if not removed, etc.
What are basic types of dog poops if one has to categorize them?
And, what does that tell us?
- When your dog is eating its own poop : It is also known as coprophagia. As gross as it may sound, it is a behavioral issue more than a health issue. It is more to do with the dog’s behavior, overall nourishment or medical related issues for instance parasites in the body is one of the possible factors.
- Watery poop : Also considered Diarrhea, it is one of the nightmares as this poop is in the form of spurts of liquid. This could be the case when the dog is fed with some new food item. There can be two possibilities, either the food is not accepted or adopted by the body or the item is fairly new and consumed for the first time. The situation can also arise, if the dog is fed with a food item, that it is prohibited to eat, as we know not all food suits all breeds of dogs.
Other factors that may affect this are a new environment, new living space, anxiety, change of owner, or some side effects of a certain medicine. In case of medicine, it can also be an indicator that the medicine worked or not. Also, an important point to be noted is, it could be a possible indicator of an infection or disease.
- Loose and soft poop : Although it may sound normal, it is not. It usually happens when the dog’s diet is changed from kibbles or dry bites to fresh food or from non-vegetarian to vegetarian foods. Or some food was consumed by it when you were not around. Like the dog ate some muffins or cookies off the shelf, or your toddler fed it when you were not watching and only next morning or some consecutive morning’s poop pattern tells you that.
- Pebble like and hard poop : As it sounds, it is equally bad too. It will make your dog uncomfortable in many ways. It will have bad breath, stomach ache, painful pooping as well as an irritable mood and poor food eating behavior. This will further cause inflammation too. This happens when the dog is taking less water, less fibrous diet, less or inconsiderate grooming at the back i.e. matted end. Other reasons can be less physical activity and poor digestion, more important is, if this is something being witnessed regularly or more often, get them checked for infections in the intestinal tract, some foreign elements stuck inside like socks, coins, small toys, etc.
- Big fat poop : Although it is the most relieving and satisfying, it also needs an eye to keep a check on the dog’s health. The dog food usually contains soy, rice hull, beet pulp, etc. which are high in carbohydrates and fiber which promote good digestion and bowel movement. This also indicates the amount of carbohydrates being taken by the dog and its body not being able to absorb it. Thus, the food can be of poor quality and not suitable or its quantity needs to be reduced with additional combinations for a proper nutrient dense diet.
- More smelly than usual : A lot of processed food or kibbles can lead to this situation. It is best suggested to include some home cooked and fresh food to your dog’s diet to avoid this. It will also reduce other gastric issues, if any are being faced by it.
- Poop with mucus over or around it : If the stool or poop of your dog looks slimy or has a sort of mucus-like layer over it, this usually occurs when there is some sort of inflammation in the body or if the colon itself is inflamed due to some reason. Another reason can be the presence of parvovirus or some sort of a parasite, or poor gut health. This subsides within two to three rounds of passing the stool, which is almost 2-3 days. But if it doesn’t, it is a matter of some bigger concern that needs the doctor’s attention.
- Blood along with poop : One of the components of poop is blood, which gives it or adds to its color as well. But if one notices red, dark red or parts in their dog’s poop, they should definitely get to understanding and learning the reason behind it. The reason can be very minor to a very alarming and serious concern. An example of a minor reason can be constipation or hard stool that causes abrasion to the inner lining that makes it bloody. Another example could be, the dog has engulfed or eaten a metal piece or toy that is scratching, cutting or bruising the body from inside with bleeding. However, another reason can be parasites or some active tumors.
Hemp seed oil for your dog can prove to be very promising! It is not just a medicine but a superfood!
Hemp seed oil for pets is an amazing dietary supplement that needs a special introduction!
It is not only promoting good gut health while keeping the dog happy but it has many other benefits as well.
In case of inflammation, it can be given directly or added to the food of one's dog. It is anti-inflammatory in nature and heals the body from within. While the dog is suffering from serious issues like blood in poop, hard poop, pebble like poop, etc. this can be a best friend.
In case of constipation or hard stool, it will help relieve it easily as well. The bowel movement will be improved and the body will also absorb the nutrients better.
In case of low or loss of appetite, it will help maintain it. It is very rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 which help in boosting the immunity, reduce shedding, keep the skin lubricated and the joints healthy.
In case, the dog is old, has arthritis or some injury, The anti-inflammatory properties will help heal and strengthen the body. Also, an important thing to remember is to start early and reap its benefits later. Do not wait for your dog to get old.
Not to forget, to mention that it is a multi-purpose oil. It is safe to be used both topically and orally. For topical application, just massage it on your dog’s skin if you want to work on certain skin conditions. If your dog has its mane shedding, hemp seed oil can soothe the skin and heal it, too. “it is an approved Ayurvedic product and totally safe to use”. However, always consult your vet for the right amount of dosage and duration,”
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