Ayurvedic Food For Each Organ

Did you know that Ayurveda mentions certain food sources as the ultimate power food for each organ or organ system?
Follow us on this journey to unravel the goodness of each common nutritional entity.

Nature is among the most magnificent illustrations of God's magnificence in creation. More precisely, the food we eat, which originates from nature, is a great blessing in many ways. Fruits and veggies are well-known for their health-promoting properties. A diet rich in a range of foods including green leafy vegetables is also vital to the body to obtain many nutrients necessary for proper functioning.


Sure, there are many different veggies and fruits to pick from, so you could eat many much as you want for a varied diet. Things get much more fascinating if you explore a little deeper. Many food products in nature seem to mimic the organs or bodily parts for which they are useful. God appears to be encouraging us to eat certain fruits and vegetables because of their numerous health advantages to various body regions.

Continue reading to discover about seven meals that mimic the organs for which they are beneficial.

In the Modern System, this identification, or rather a classification is based on the shape of the food and the organ alone.  But in Ayurveda, its innate properties and their effect in normalizing the specific disease of the respective organ are also taken into consideration.

The Ayurvedic Concept

Ayurveda specifically works under the criteria of Loka Purusha Samanya Siddhanta, ie, the world and the human body are similar entities having the same Panchabootha constitution. The same idea is used to identify things that look, or behave the same as organs and use the same food items as the method of optimal nutrition for the specific organ or organ system.

Although there are around 300 specific drugs mentioned in Ayurveda, we will be looking through a few of them in detail. Some of the commonly seen and easily available ones are:

  • Triphala for Eyes:

The wonderful combination of Haritaki (Terminalia Billerica), Vibhitaki (Terminalia chebula), and Amlaki (Emblica Officinalis) is considered the best drug for general wellness for the eyes and the elimination of ailments. They are potent sources of Vitamin A, and essential oils and have a great effect on normalizing visual acuity. Even research(1) done in this field has come up with wonderful results. Even the simple washing of eyes with the decoction of Triphala is found to be effective in eliminating conditions of dry eyes, itching, and irritation in the eyes.

  • Bhumi Amalaki for Liver

The common herb of Bhumi Amalaki or Phyllanthus amarus is considered the best liver tonic that helps to enhance optimal hepatic health as well as eliminate the conditions of acute to chronic liver maladies. Often called the Gale of the Wind, it helps to manage live disorders and reverse hepatic damage with its hepatoprotective, antioxidant, and antiviral action. It also helps to regulate the synthesis of bile salts and pigments from the gallbladder.

  • Pippali for Spleen

Often called the graveyard of RBC, the spleen is an organ least maintained by a person in the body. The simple long pepper or Piper longum, a much-used commodity in the kitchen, is a simple and effective way to optimize the metabolism of the spleen and its functions. Recent research in the field (2)has shown that it is wonderful in optimizing the metabolism of the Spleen and enhancing its function with the purification of blood.

  • Kanchanara for Thyroid

Those flawless pink flowers that cover the mist are not only an ornamental plant, but Bauhinia variegata is a potent source for diminishing all maladies of the thyroid. This subtropical subtree is well known for its wonderful array of flowers. The leaves of the plant have a cordate shape that seems to resemble the shape of the thyroid gland. The decoction of this plant is traditionally used for diseases of the thyroid including hyperthyroidism, goitre, Gandamala, and many others.

  • Khadira for Skin

Pleasing skin free from all blemishes and blotches is a dream of everyone. This simple plant of Acacia catechu is the best Ayurvedic remedy for all skin ailments including eruptive and allergic manifestations. Is understood as the supreme treatment method for Kusta, an umbrella term for all skin disorders. Its antibacterial action (3) is much acclaimed as the key feature for protecting the dermis from other pathogenic conditions.

  • Hemp Hearts for Heart

Hemp hearts are potent with several nutritive potentials. The Hemp sativa has a sweet and nutty flavour and with the same benefitting metabolic end effect, it has an upper hand in alleviating the aggravated Vata and Pitta entities, the main villain for distortion in heart health. These nutty seeds are a perfect combo of nutrition and fun with the right cardiac health. While it improves cardiovascular mechanisms, it is a great source of protein and aid in optimal digestive mechanisms.

Sprinkle a few on your salads smoothies or dishes of your choice. One can also add them to smoothies, shakes and desserts to enjoy the journey to a healthy heart.

Ananta Hemp Works

Ananta has embarked on a groundbreaking journey to improve the quality of people's health by delivering all-natural plant-based goods and integrating the benefits of the super herb Hemp. Ananta Hemp Works focuses on offering the finest quality lifestyle, wellness, and nutrition-oriented goods to its devoted clients to broaden the scope of this wonder herb.

There we have only mentioned very few among this wide category of species that give optimal systemic care to the individual through the holistic path of Ayurveda.

Understanding the value of these commodities and incorporating them into our daily lives will surely have the advantages of a perfectly functioning system with optimized mechanisms and immunity.

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