Cannabidiol Oil Vs Hemp Seed Oil - What Is the Difference?

With the entire Cannabidiol & hemp craze over social media platforms, you might be curious to know the difference between hemp seed oil & Cannabidiol oil. Unknown to the major part of the world till a few years ago, both hemp & Cannabidiol oil can be readily seen at stores today, but there are significant differences between these two products.

In this blog, we will be discussing the major differences between these derivatives of the Vijaya plant.

What is Cannabidiol Oil?

Cannabidiol oil

Cannabidiol oil is derived from the flowers, leaves stems and stalks of the Vijaya sativa plant. This oil is extracted through several methods, including carbon dioxide, ethanol, and even olive oil extraction. The extraction method plays a vital role in the purity of the Cannabidiol oil.

What is Hemp Seed Oil?

hemp oil

Hemp seed oil is extracted only from the hemp seeds of the industrial variant of the Vijaya plant. Hemp seed oil is a rich source of omega fatty acids, Vitamin E, protein & several other minerals. It is widely used in the manufacturing of cosmetic and beauty products.

Difference Between Cannabidiol Oil Vs Hemp Seed Oil:

Now, that we have a basic idea of what both oils are, let’s discuss the key differences between Cannabidiol and hemp seed oil.

Extraction Method:

The method of extraction is another major difference between the Cannabidiol Oil & Hemp seed oil.

Hempseed oil is generally produced by cold pressing the hemp seeds. Whereas, Cannabidiol oil is produced using the entire hemp plant with extraction techniques like CO2 extraction or basic techniques solvent-based extraction.

Cannabinoid Content & Nutritional Value:

Cannabidiol oil contains high levels of Cannabidiol along with other cannabinoids, terpenes and essential oils. This makes Cannabidiol oil a useful health supplement, as it supports the function of your endocannabinoid system, a chemical network of receptors and neurotransmitters that regulate the majority of vital functions in the human body & brain.

On the other hand, hemp seed oil carries zero Cannabidiol but is a rich source of several fatty acids, omega-3, omega-6, protein, fibre, vitamin E, vitamin B6 & B2 and other trace minerals.

Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil vs Cannabidiol Oil:

Cannabidiol oil is used for the overall well-being of a human being. It helps restore the chemical balance in the body through stimulating the endocannabinoid system. This includes improved mood, sharpened focus, stress relief and better sleep.
Whereas, hemp seed oil has major benefits in personal & skincare. It regulates the proper flow of blood that smoothens the skin & expedites hair growth. It is a good source of moisturization & is majorly used in skin care products like personal care hemp lotionhemp soap bars, hemp shampoohemp face wash & more.


Due to less knowledge, people generally confuse hemp seed oil & Cannabidiol oil. You must use the right oil for proper benefits. Hence, buying it from genuine & authentic sources is advised. This is why you can buy all organic & 100% natural hemp seed oil online at Ananta Hemp Works. Dedicated to revolutionising hemp products in India, We offer a wide range of products like superfoods, hemp protein powder, hemp personal care products, hemp seed oil & more at affordable prices.


  • Hampawellness

    Thank you for sharing this amazing blog. It is easy to learn and understand. It’s a truly useful blog.

  • Aman

    So interesting to read, Thanks for sharing such great article. Both the oils has great benefits for human.

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