Let Us Get to Know Cannabinoids!

Cannabinoids are formed within the Vijaya plant naturally. The composition of cannabinoids is unique to the varying Vijaya plant species depending upon where they are found or grown. When these compounds are consumed they trigger our endocannabinoid system to help it become optimum at its functioning. These compounds are responsible for treating and helping us in our lifestyle disorders and issues like stress, pain, insomnia, anxiety, etc.


Cannabinoids are often confused with endocannabinoids and the terms are even used interchangeably in wrongful contexts. Cannabinoids are very similar to endocannabinoids which are naturally produced within our body. They are useful to promote the process of homeostasis as well which also regulates internal health and functions of the immune system. These compounds help one send signals to other cells of the body and produce a feeling of euphoria, which is very similar to the energy of a power yoga session. 

The research and findings about Vijaya leaf extract have always been astonishing. The compounds found in it have been giving wondrous results in so many permutations and combinations of issues being faced by human beings. They are not just helping us determine but overcome, tackle and even remove several diseases and complicated conditions from the roots. Although, since 1980’s these compounds have been a matter of raising eyebrows for scientists, scholars and researchers, leave alone the common man. 

When it was discovered and further studied in detail, it was found that the cannabinoid receptors are present in the human body from head to toe. Yes, human beings have an endocannabinoid system (Read our blog about the endocannabinoid system of the human body), installed by nature. Thus, when hemp plant and its by-products are consumed, it is observed and believed that these hemp compounds are bound to receptors in the body which are clearly categorized as CB1 and CB2 receptors. 

CB1 receptors are found in the brain cells and the central nervous system in the body and CB2 are particularly found in the immune system. CB1 and CB2 receptors function with a technique that is commonly known as the “lock and key” technique of mechanism in the body. Here, the key is the cannabinoids that help in receptor binding to create the metabolic enzymes that are essential for the breakdown of the cannabinoids in the body which are identical to the effect of organic endocannabinoids function. These metabolic enzymes are called fatty acid amide hydrolase or FAAH as well. 

The two main endocannabinoids are AEA, i.e anandamide or also known as the ‘bliss molecule’ and 2-AG, i.e. 2-arachidonoylglycerol. Fun Fact - These are naturally produced by the body in the exact same format to keep one's internal systems running efficiently and effectively. 

Another fun fact about cannabinoids is, they are not limited to these two. Yes more than 85 identified cannabinoids exist with the possibility of discovery of even more with progressing study and research. Not to deny, tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol are the protagonists.

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